Master and Doctoral Program of FST Held a Postgraduate Talkshow Sharing Session for Postgraduate Students

The Postgraduate Program of the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) Universitas Airlangga (Unair) held a webinar in the form of a talk show with the theme ‘Postgraduate Sharing-Getting Success for Postgraduate Students. This activity was carried out on Saturday (27/11/2021) starting at 10.00 to 12.30 WIB online through the Zoom Meeting platform. The talk show was opened by the Remarks of the Deputy Dean of FST, Dr. Eridani, M.Si.

This online talk show presents three speakers from abroad, including Dr.  Ranjith Paparedy (Department of Biological Chemistry, University of California, Los Angeles), Dr. Mohd Ridhwan bin Adam (Advanced Membrane Technology Research Centre Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia), and Mr. Sayooj Aby Jose (Ph.D. Research scholar IMU-Breakout Graduate Fellow. Departement of Mathematics. Alagappa University, India). The moderator of this talk show is Anjar Tri Wibowo, M. Sc., Ph.D (Biology Department of FST).

This activity aims to provide insight to postgraduate students FST to achieve success during the study period. In addition, it provides information regarding the post-doctoral program and the benefits of the program. Through this activity, students have information from speakers about tips for success to speed up the study period. Doctoral students also have the opportunity to continue their post-doctoral program abroad after graduation. The speakers were informed about the post-doctoral program processes and procedures.This activity also introduces several study programs in the postgraduate program of FST Unair. Master degree programs are Chemistry Master Degree, Biology Master Degree, and Biomedical Engineering Master Degree. While the doctoral degree program is Mathematics and Natural Science Doctoral Degree. This activity was presented by Yanuardi Raharjo, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D (Coordinator of Chemistry Master Degree).

The implementation of this online talk show ran success in each session. Participants who took part in this event were students of master’s and doctoral degrees, alumni of FST Unair, and general participants. The participants actively asked questions to all the speakers. The hope of the participants who are master and doctoral students is to be successful and graduate on time. Thank you to Deputy Dean 3, all Coordinators of postgraduate in FST, and committees for holding this event successfully.

Best regards, Chief Executive