How to Submit to Open Access Journals and Avoiding Predatory Journals

Jangan lewatkan Webinar “How to Submit to Open Access Journals and Avoiding Predatory Journals” dari LIPJPHKI dan Editage yang tidak kalah penting. Submit jurnal adalah bagian dari kegiatan publikasi artikel ilmiah oleh akademisi yang sudah tidak asing lagi. Jurnal open access dapat menjadi salah satu pilihan dalam publikasi artikel ilmiah. Banyak trik dan tips yang […]

Showcase Your Research Globally in Just 5 Minutes!

Showcase Your Research Globally in Just 5 Minutes! Are you a Master’s or PhD student with groundbreaking research in the fields of advanced science and technology? Ready to communicate your thesis to the world in an exciting, fast-paced competition? The International 5 COP is your stage! What is 5 COP?A prestigious platform where you have […]

Importance of intellectual property and patent in science: Biotechnology

We are honored to invite you and all researchers at Universitas Airlangga to attend an exclusive webinar hosted by BRIN (Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional) and Editage on “Importance of intellectual property and patent in science”. This event is tailored to provide in-depth insights into biotechnology’s critical role in improving human life and modernizing industry. […]

HKI Goes To Student

Punya merek tapi takut diambil dan diakui orang lain?Punya karya orisinil tapi takut di copas temen tanpa sepengetahuan kita?Ingin tahu cara mendapatkan perlindungan hukum untuk merek dan karya ciptamu? JOIN US at HKI GOES TO STUDENT!!! Kesadaranmu tentang HKI dapat membantu untuk melindungi karyamu, serta dapat juga digunakan untuk komersialisasi dan bermitra dengan industri. Acara […]

Guest Lecture

Wednesday, 15 May 2024 (08:00-12:30 WIB)at Ruang Sidang Fakultas Topics and Lectures : Contact person : 081383930304 (Abyan) Organized by : HIMAPASCA FST UNAIR

System Modelling Guest Lecture : Application of Global Sensitivity Analysis to Infectious Disease Modelling

Departement of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga conducts system modeling lecture series with topic “Application of Global Sensitivity Analysis to Infectious Disease Modeling” By PresentingGuest Lecturer :Chinwendu Emilian Madubueze, Ph.D. Department of Mathematics, Joseph Sarwuan Tarkaa University, Makurdi, Nigeria Held on :> Tuesday, April 30th 2024> 01.00 – 03.00 PM in UTC+7> […]

Bootcamp Mahasiswa Menulis

Mahasiswa bisa punya buku?Jenis buku apa saja yang bisa diterbitkan mahasiswa?Mau tahu tips and trick menulis buku buat mahasiswa? JOIN US at Bookcamp Mahasiswa Menulis!!! Salah satu program dari LIPJPHKI ini terbuka untuk Mahasiswa AKTIF S2 – S3 Unair dengan syarat SUDAH memiliki draft manuskrip Buku. Dapatkan banyak tips dan trik dalam menulis buku dan […]

Guest Lecture : Analysis of Fractional Factorial Design

Dear Colleagues/Lecturers/Students. Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Technology. Universitas Airlangga conducts a guest lecture with topic “Analysis of Fractional Factorial Design” By PresentingGuest Lecturer :Dr. Anthony Ekpo, Joseph Sarwuan Tarka University, Makurdi, Nigeria. Held on :– Tuesday, 16 April 2024– 14.50-16.30 Westernd Indonesian Time (UTC+7)– Zoom Meeting– Free Registration‼Open for Indonesian and overseas […]

Kuliah Tamu Bidang Bio-Organik dan Bio-Anorganik

Kegiatan kuliah tamu dari bidang Bio-Organik dan Bio-Anorganik serta sharing Program Internasional bagi mahasiswa di Osaka University dan Chulalongkorn University.Kegiatan ini diselenggarakan pada Hari Jumat, 23 Februari 2024 pukul 8.30-11.30 WIB bersama Prof. Yasuhiro Funahashi dari Departement of Chemistry, Osaka University, Japan dan Prof. Preecha Phuwapraisirisan dari Departement of Chemistry, Chulalongkorn University , Thailand. Acara […]