Kuliah Praktisi Nasional

Kuliah Praktisi NasionalProgram Studi S-1 BiologiHari, Tanggal : Rabu, 4 Oktober 2023Waktu : 08:00 – 10:00 WIBLokasi : Zoom Meeting https://bit.ly/zoom_rekgen1Meeting ID : 942 5998 1842Passcode : 166480Pembicara : A’liyatur Rosyidah, Ph.D. (Pusat Riset Vaksin dan Obat BRIN)Topik : Rekayasa genetik pada sel mamalia untuk produksi protein rekombinanRegistrasi : https://bit.ly/bioua_praktisi_rekgen1

Understanding Journal Guidelines

Bagi kalian sedang akan submit ke jurnal internasional bereputasi namun masih kesulitan memahami gaya selingkung jurnal (journal guidelines), yuk gabung pada Webinar seri ke 2 yang dipersembahkan oleh EDITAGE dan LIPJPHKI. Poin penting pada Webinar kali ini akan membahas:Mengenal berbagai jenis journal guidelines (struktur naskahh hingga etik)Manfaat mematuhi journal guidelines (tingkat penerimaan dan kualitas penelitian)Tips […]

Kuliah Academic Fellow

Kuliah Academic Fellow Pembicara : Assoc. Prof. Vuanghao Lim (Universiti Sains Malaysia)Topic: Advancements at the Frontier: Nanotechnology’s Implications in BioHealth ScienceWaktu: 06 Sep 2023 Pukul 16.00-18.00 WIB Link Zoom Meetinghttps://zoom.us/j/94590875902?pwd=K2o5M2pQWDJGL2FjdnN0SHU4OE16Zz09 Meeting ID: 945 9087 5902Passcode: 118144

Kuliah Praktisi Internasional

Kuliah Praktisi Internasional Pembicara : Clement Khaw, PhD (Nikon Singapore)Topics:1.Microscopy Observation Techniques2.Application of Confocal Microscope for Biological ResearchWaktu: 14 Sep 2023 Pukul 09.30-12.30 WIB Link pendaftaran: https://tinyurl.com/KuliahPraktisi *Link Microsoft Teams Meeting akan dikirim melalui email yang digunakan pada saat mendaftar

CALL FOR PAPER – The 2nd International Conference on Biodiversity: Sustainable Solution for Human Welfare (ICOBIODIV 2023)CALL FOR PAPER –

CALL FOR PAPER The Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga is pleased to announce The 2nd International Conference on Biodiversity: Sustainable Solution for Human Welfare (ICOBIODIV 2023) The 2nd ICOBIODIV 2023 will be held on October 18-19, 2023 in Surabaya, Indonesia (Hybrid)For further information and registration, please visit our website: https://icobiodiv.conference.unair.ac.id/ […]


The Faculty of Agriculture at Universitas Sumatera Utara is pleased to extend a warm invitation for your participation in the 7th International Conference on Agriculture, Environment, and Food Security 2023 (the 7th IC-AEFS 2023) scheduled for September 27th, 2023. The 7th IC-AEFS 2023 is renowned for providing a platform to showcase innovative and practical experiences within the fields […]

Guest Lecture and Alumni Sharing

Postgraduate Student Association, Faculty of Science and Technology, Airlangga University honorably invite students and practitioners to join guest lecture and alumni sharing. The guest lecture will be delivered by Prof. Graeme Bruce Martin, B.Sc(Agric)., Ph.D. from School of Agriculture & Environment and UWA Institute of Agriculture, The University of Western Australia. He is one of […]

Beasiswa Doktoral dan Hibah Penelitian Internasional oleh DAAD

Informasi terkait beberapa peluang pendanaan yang ditujukan khususnya bagi dosen atau mahasiswa yang ingin melanjutkan program doktoral atau yang sedang dalam proses kelulusan program doktoral. Program ini disponsori oleh Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) yang memberikan pendanaan mulai dari biaya hidup, biaya transportasi, serta biaya one-off research allowance yang mana informasi lebih […]