EDUCATION SEMINAR with the theme: “The RA & MI NU Plus Wateskroyo Extended Family Surfs to Africa with International Students of Airlangga University from Nigeria & Tanzania, is an activity held on Saturday, September 16, 2023, at the request of MI NU PLUS Wateskroyo, Wateskroyo Village, Besuki District, Tulungagung Regency, East Java. The event was […]

Research Lecture – The Ethical Framework of Animal-Based Research in Biology: Challenges and Responsibilities

The ethical framework underpinning animal-based research in biology is not just a set of rules; it reflects our commitment to humane and responsible science. It demands that we consider the welfare and rights of the animals involved, minimizing harm and suffering whereverpossible. This framework necessitates rigorous oversight and stringent adherence to established guidelines and laws, […]