Vision and Mission


To become an independent, innovative, leading Doctoral Study Program in Indonesia
national and international levels, and became a pioneer in MIPA development
based on religious morals.


  1. Organizing academic education programs in the field of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and educating someone to become a scientist;
  2. Develop research in the field of Mathematics and Natural Sciences professionally through scientific findings;
  3. Carrying out community service as a form of social responsibility by involving students;
  4. Collaborating with various institutions at national and international levels;
  5. Improving the quality of prospective student input based on the competency and origin of domestic and foreign students.


  1. Producing graduates who have insight, scientific abilities,
    and technical skills needed to solve problems
    complex through interdisciplinary approaches;
  2. Producing research in the field of Mathematics and Natural Sciences through theoretical, conceptual and approaches
    paradigm that suits their field of expertise and is capable communicate the results of the research in the form of scientific work;
  3. Use knowledge and skills in their field of expertise to help solve problems in society;
  4. Realizing cooperation at national and international levels with various
    institutions in the fields of education, research and service public;
  5. Creating a Study Program that has candidate input quality students and good diversity of prospective students from within and outside the country.