Scheduled Exams and Seminars, October-November 2022

Dear Sirs and Madams, Doctoral Students of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Below we announce the list of scheduled Doctoral Examinations and Seminars that will be held on:

Date: 17 – 21 October 2022 (for students entering 2021 and above)
31 October – 3 November 2022 (for students entering 2022)

If there is a change in schedule, please contact the Study Program Admin immediately.

All forms of examinations (except seminars) MAY NOT be carried out on 12 – 31 December 2022.
Only the Stage 1 Eligibility Examination may still be carried out. (You only need to submit the manuscript file.)
Meanwhile, all exams involving examiners (Qualifications, Proposals, Phase 2 Eligibility, Closed, Open),
MAY NOT be held on 12 – 31 December 2022.

Thank you.