ICASMAT 2021, the first international seminar led by MIPA doctoral students

On October 14, 2021, the 1st International Conferences on Applied Science, Mathematics, and Technology 2021, or known as ICASMAT 2021, was held. This international seminar was organized by MIPA doctoral students, assisted by several master’s students in the Faculty of Science and Technology. Mr. Ridho Alfarisi, a 2020/2021 MIPA doctoral student as the Chair of the Committee, together with his colleagues, have worked extraordinarily so that this event was a success and brilliant.

This online seminar invited 4 keynote speakers from within and outside the country, including Prof. Hei-Chia Wang from National Cheng Kung University Taiwan, Assoc. Prof. Herri Trilaksana, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. from Airlangga University Indonesia, Prof. M. Iqbal Choudhary from University of Karachi Pakistan, andAssoc. Prof. Dr. Sehanat Prasongsuk from Chulalongkorn University Thailand.

After the Plenary session, the event continued with a Parallel session where more than 40 presenters, both from all over Indonesia and abroad, presented their scientific research results and had the opportunity to get output in the form of Scopus-indexed Proceedings. Overall, the seminar, whose committee was supervised by the Head of S3 MIPA, Dr. Dwi Winarni, M.Sc., was attended by more than 120 participants.

The names of the MIPA doctoral students who also played an important role in the success of this seminar were, Mrs. Dinar Adriaty as Secretary, Mrs. Endah Purwanti and Gumun Nilawati as Treasurers, Mrs. Maylita Hasyim from the Secretariat section, Mrs. Eka Mala Sari Rochman and Mr. Andika Pramudya Wardana from the Events section, and Mr. Syaharuddin from the Scientific Publication section. [*]