Dr. Suhailah Hayaza, S.Si., M.Si., Becomes the Youngest Doctor to Graduate from FST UNAIR

UNAIR NEWS – Having experienced research obstacles due to the pandemic, Dr. Suhailah Hayaza, S.Si, M.Si. finally graduated and was named the Best Doctoral Graduate of the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) Universitas Airlangga UNAIR. Suhaila successfully graduated with a near-perfect GPA of 3.98, and became the youngest doctoral graduate of FST UNAIR at the age of 27.
The recipient of the PMDSU scholarship, which is an accelerated program for Masters and Doctoral studies, was born on September 3, 1993. She also expressed her gratitude and emotion. “Alhamdulillah, in less than four years, I have successfully completed my Masters and Doctoral education with satisfactory results. Feelings of gratitude, pride, and emotion are mixed together,” said Ella, her nickname.

Behind the success of the study, Ella said that the struggle of the doctoral study was more challenging than the undergraduate and postgraduate studies. According to her, the research conducted was more comprehensive, there were more variables, and the research process took almost two years. During her doctoral studies, Ella successfully published more than 30 scientific articles indexed by Scopus. The dissertation that led her to graduate from her doctoral studies was related to cancer immunology. Furthermore, Ella explained the effects of giving okra polysaccharide extract on the ability of immune surveillance or the immune system’s resistance to foreign objects, in cases of liver cancer. The research she conducted was a continuation of her master’s research.
Ella said that previously she only researched in vitro (cell culture), then continued her research to the in vivo stage (using experimental animals) by observing 13 variables of the immune system. It was found that okra has a dual-function immunomodulation, both as an immunosuppressor or suppressing the performance of the immune system, and an immunostimulator or increasing the performance of the immune system. Ella hopes that the research can be continued to the stage of producing nutraceutical supplements that are useful for the stability of the immune system of cancer patients, especially liver cancer.

Dr. Suhailah and family take a photo with the UNAIR Chancellor and FST Dean after receiving the Best Graduate award for the June 2021 period

The young doctor also plans to become a lecturer and researcher in the fields of immunology and pharmacology. “Of course, if given the opportunity and destined by Allah SWT, I want to return to contribute to my beloved alma mater UNAIR, where I studied and developed myself from S1 to S3,” said Ella who is often involved in several scientific projects.
“Don’t forget to accompany all efforts with prayers, be it prayers from parents or your own prayers. God willing, everything will be made easy,” she concluded. (vyr/ bin)

This article is rewritten from the source UNAIR Graduation Booklet June 2021 Edition.