Khun Nay Win Tun First ADS Graduate From Myanmar Represents Graduates’ Welcome

Khun Nay Win Tun Lulusan Pertama ADS Asal Myanmar saat Wakili Sambutan Wisudawan. (Foto: M. Alif Fauzan)

Dr. Khun Nay Win Tun, one of the graduates receiving the Airlangga Development Scholarship (ADS) from Myanmar, had the opportunity to give a speech on behalf of the graduates. Khun is recorded as the first graduate to receive the ADS scholarship.

“Today is the end of a long journey of struggle during education. I am very grateful to God about our struggle to gain knowledge to become experts in our respective fields,” he said.

The students of the Doctoral program in Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MIPA) of the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) expressed their gratitude and always invited the graduates to continue to provide positive contributions to the surrounding environment.

“I represent my colleagues here to express my gratitude to all parties who have contributed to supporting us in every journey of education. Especially to the lecturers who have educated us,” he added.

He said that this inauguration procession was not the end of the struggle, but a new beginning to realize a higher dream. The first graduate student who received the ADS Scholarship said that this success was not his own but belonged to all elements who had contributed to help his struggle.

“I would like to say a big thank you to the Language Center that taught me Indonesian so that I could adapt to the environment. My most important thanks go to Airlangga University that has led me to achieve five Scopus indexed journals,” concluded the student from Myanmar. (*)

News source: Unair News

You can view the video of the Unair graduation procession for the March 2020 period here or here