The Story of Saba Mehmood, a Doctoral Student at FST UNAIR from Pakistan

Saba Mehmood is an international student from Pakistan at the Faculty of Science and Technology of Airlangga University pursuing a doctorate in Mathematics. She arrived in Surabaya in early September with several other students from Pakistan.

Facing a new country, new things, new people, and different foods, Saba felt very homesick, missing her family, friends, and colleagues. However, all was cured by the friendliness of the Indonesian people.

On the third weekend of September, Saba and other international students went to Nganjuk for two days. The event called Nganjuk Fam Trip 2019 was organized by Airlangga Global Engagement, the Center for Learning Innovation and Certification of Airlangga University, and Dhika Tours. On this occasion, Saba learned about culture through traditional events and cultural sites in Nganjuk. Saba also visited museums and historical sites, traditional musical instrument factories, traditional dance centers, batik centers, and the Sedudo waterfall which is one of the highest waterfalls in Java. This waterfall reminded her of the northern part of her country, Pakistan.

“I met very kind and humble women. With them, I felt like I was with my friends. Thank you for taking care of me, Iga and Wulan,” Saba wrote on her Facebook page. “Sarah, Erda, Arif, they are unforgettable. Lastly, thank you to Ibu Yuni for planning a very pleasant trip for us. This trip helped me to adjust faster to Indonesian culture, especially the food.”