Adjunct Professor FST UNAIR Gives Lecture on Bioprocess Development

Wednesday (17/7/2019), the Faculty of Science and Technology, Airlangga University (FST UNAIR) held a guest lecture for Chemistry Masters and MIPA Doctoral students. However, due to the enthusiasm of the students, this guest lecture was also attended by students from other study programs. This guest lecture was filled by adjunct professorFST UNAIR, Prof. Seung Wook Kim from Korea University and was themed Development of Bioprocess Using Microalgal Biomass and Its Application.

In this lecture, Prof. Kim explained about biomass which is one of the fundamental aspects for industrial development to improve the quality of the country’s economic sector. Before going to the main topic discussion related to bioprocess, Prof. Kim gave an in-depth introduction to the concept of “research”. This certainly increases the understanding of participants whose activities are inseparable from research.

Prof. Kim then began to explain the bioprocess in detail, starting from the basic concept of bioprocess, its types, to its application in the manufacture of products and technology in the industrial sector. This was conveyed in a straightforward and easy-to-understand language, even by students from other majors.

Prof. Kim also gave many examples of the application of this and also explained the results of biomass development in his country, South Korea. It is no wonder that the Korean atmosphere is so close to this guest lecture.

Not to forget, this adjunct professor of FST UNAIR also linked this material to the challenges of the 21st century, namely the development of the industrial revolution 4.0, while also providing recommendations and motivation for us to apply bioprocess techniques by utilizing things that are closely related to what is currently trending, such as artificial intelligence, internet of things, and big data.

“Although not directly involved in the field of chemistry, I think bioprocesses have their own interest to be explored further, considering that Indonesia has such great biomass potential,” said one of the guest lecture participants.

This guest lecture is expected to further strengthen FST UNAIR students as agents of change to always provide innovations that are beneficial to Indonesia and the world.

Author: Belindha Ayu Ardhani

Editor: Dida S. N. Hilman