Active in Original Institution Does Not Prevent Maris from Achieving Best Graduate Title

UNAIR NEWS – Dr. Maris Kurniawati, S.Si., M.Kes., M.Si successfully achieved a GPA of 3.88 during her Doctoral Program in Mathematics and Natural Sciences at FST UNAIR. In addition to being a student, the woman who is familiarly called Maris is also a lecturer at the University of Kanjuruhan Malang (Unikama).

“Apart from studying, I am still active in my original institution at Unikama as Secretary of the Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM),” said Maris.

Not only that, he is also active in implementing the tridharma of higher education, active as chief editor and editor of the LPPM Unikama community empowerment journal, active in student development, Internal Quality Assurance auditor at Unikama, as an author in several international journals and other activities.

Despite this, Maris was still able to achieve various achievements. One of her greatest achievements during college was getting the opportunity to be a participant in PKPI/Sandwich 2017 and conducting research in Australia. Successfully finding a novel gene that has been patented and published in NCBI (GeneBank) and successfully publishing three articles in Scopus indexed journals.

“My biggest obstacle is the distance factor of study and research from Malang to Surabaya that I have to travel every day. In addition, there is also time management between study and career,” he explained.

Maris completed his dissertation entitled Cloning of the Gene Encoding the Enzyme 1,3-β-Glucanase through the Metagenomic Library Approach of cDNA from the Digestive Gland Achatina fulica as a Candidate for Candida Antibiofilm. In the future, Maris plans to develop the research that he has started since that study by collaborating the research results on other fields such as animal husbandry, so that they can be applied in the industrial world. As well as conducting pioneering research in the field of biomolecular at Unikama.

For students who are still struggling to complete their doctoral studies, Maris advised that publication planning should be prepared from the beginning of their studies because publication takes a long time. Then, when you have obtained sufficient research results for publication in journal articles, it is better to compile them immediately without having to wait for the dissertation research results to be completely completed.

“Family and peer support is important in completing studies. Sacrifice and prayers of family and peer support are very important parts of the journey to completing studies,” concluded Maris.

Author: Galuh Mega Kurnia

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

Source: href=””>UNAIR News