Call For Participant ANU-FRT

In connection with the opening of the ANU-FRT program, we AGE together with LPPM will hold a selection of the best talent nominations to be sent to ANU-FRT.

The selection is open to all lecturers and students of Airlangga University with the following criteria:
– Lecturers who are Masters graduates and are currently studying for their Doctorate
– Bachelor’s students at least in semester 7 or currently undergoing a fasttrack program and Master’s students at least in semester 3

The files submitted are:
– Curriculum Vitae (including publication and research history)
– TOEFL ITP certificate with a minimum score of 550 or IELTS with a minimum score of 6.0
– Dissertation proposal in English for lecturers who are currently studying for a doctorate
– Motivation letter

Further information regarding the ANU-FRT program and the research areas offered can be found at:

Files can be sent via email with the subject ANU_FRT_Applicant Name. Deadline for submission is Tuesday, October 4, 2022.

If you have further questions, please contact:
Mr. Sahrul – AGE Staff (089675989849)
Ms. Ika – LPPM Staff (08990919263)