Dr. Ridho Alfarisi, S.Pd., M.Si. Testimonial

To support his career as an academic, a lecturer needs to continue his higher education up to doctoral level. This is also done in order to increase the professionalism of lecturers in education through further doctoral studies and improve the quality of higher education’s Tri Dharma. I now work as a lecturer in the Department of Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Jember. During my doctoral studies, I have taught and conducted collaborative research with colleagues in India, Pakistan and Australia. Apart from that, I also belong to two mathematics associations, namely IndoMS and InaCombs. During my PhD, thank God, I have published four articles in reputable international journals and two articles in international proceedings indexed by Scopus. This consistency is certainly inseparable from the difficulties I face. However, I feel it is natural that every struggle always has its difficulties and obstacles. During my PhD MIPA FST UNAIR, I am very grateful to the Promoter Dr. Liliek Susilowati, S.Si., M.Sc. who always provide support and help speed up my studies. During my PhD, I have attended 3 international seminars, namely ICTGIS 2022 at the Bandung Institute of Technology, ICSAS 2021 at Sebelas Maret University, and ICOMCOS 2022 at Airlangga University and all the scientific articles published in the AIP Conference Proceedings indexed by Scopus. Scientific articles in reputable international journals include F1000 Research (Q1), AIMS Mathematics (Q1), WSEAS Transaction on Mathematics (Q3), and MMEP (Q2). Apart from that, in 2020 I also conducted a conference and research at Kongunadu Arts and Science College, India.

For students who are still struggling to complete their studies, don’t give up on completing their final assignments, whether in the form of a thesis, thesis or dissertation. I also hope that students, especially those serving as lecturers and academics, will be encouraged to publish articles in reputable international journals.