EDUCATION SEMINAR with the theme: “The RA & MI NU Plus Wateskroyo Extended Family Surfs to Africa with International Students of Airlangga University from Nigeria & Tanzania, is an activity held on Saturday, September 16, 2023, at the request of MI NU PLUS Wateskroyo, Wateskroyo Village, Besuki District, Tulungagung Regency, East Java.

The event was attended by speakers Prof. Dr. Nanik Siti Aminah, M.Sc. and two doctoral students of MIPA Universitas Airlangga from Nigeria (Abdullahi Musa and Musbahu Adam Ahmad), as well as one intern lecturer from Tanzania (Zainab Selemani Kasenya). The seminar was attended by around 200 people, including Foundation Administrators, Teachers, MI students in grades IV-VI, and Parents.

The content of the seminar is to motivate teachers, students and parents to work together and be enthusiastic in supporting the progress of students according to their respective roles. As a bonus, they get the opportunity to travel to Africa.

Both students, teachers and especially parents were very enthusiastic about following the activities until the end of the event.

The activity that was designed for only 2 hours finally ended after 3 hours. Because everyone was fighting to take pictures with the guests from Africa.

Seminar activities can be seen at