
The following explanation of lectures is in accordance with the 2013 Curriculum by course, valid for students above the 2017/2018 class. The curriculum for the MIPA, FST, UNAIR Doctoral Study Program is structured for a learning period of three years, with a minimum study load of 46 credits. The learning process basically includes two methods, namely lectures and research, the results of which must be published. To achieve a doctoral degree, each student must take certain courses and carry out research to write a scientific paper called a dissertation. Each course taken is aimed at achieving graduate competency. In the MIPA Doctoral curriculum there are three competency elements, namely main, special and supporting. Meanwhile, based on the type of competency, the courses offered can be divided into three groups and one MKPD, namely: Work Behavior Course (MPB) Science and Skills Courses (MKK) Creative Skills Course (MKB) Dissertation Supporting Courses (MKPD) Based on the curriculum structure, there are courses that must be taken by all students and some that are not. Courses that must be taken by students are called compulsory courses, their status is that they must be taken; While those which do not have to be taken are called elective courses, the status can be taken if necessary, including if needed to support the preparation of a dissertation (MKPD). The following will explain the status and nature of each course based on its competencies.


Compulsory Courses
Compulsory courses are courses that must be taken by all students following the same study concentration.


Elective courses
Elective courses are courses that are taken only if necessary, either to support research, prepare a dissertation, or just to strengthen the scientific foundation.


Dissertation Supporting Courses (MKPD)
Dissertation Supporting Courses (MKPD) are courses required by Doctoral Candidates as material for deepening the study of the Dissertation being researched and used to identify, analyze and solve problems being researched for the Dissertation.


Work Behavior Course (MPD)
The Work Behavior Course (MPB) is a group of study and learning materials, which aims to form the attitudes and behavior required by a person to work according to the level of expertise, based on the knowledge and skills mastered.


Science and Skills Courses (MKK)
Science and Skills Courses (MKK) are a group of study materials and lessons aimed primarily at providing a basis for mastering the knowledge and skills they master.


Creative Skills Course (MKB)
The Creative Skills Course (MKB) is a group of study materials and lessons, which aims to produce experts with work based on the knowledge and skills they have mastered.