Mother of Two’s Struggle to Complete Her Studies

UNAIR NEWS – Starting her doctoral studies at an age that is no longer young is a challenge for Dr. Tutik Nurhidayati, S.Si, M.Si. The reason is, in addition to being required to focus on her studies, the best doctoral graduate of the Faculty of Science and Technology with a GPA of 3.93 also has to pay attention to her two sons who are still in the third grade of junior high school and kindergarten.

Not only that, at the beginning of her studies, the student who is familiarly called Tutik also had to struggle with her husband to help her younger sibling who was diagnosed with kidney failure so that she had to undergo regular dialysis twice a week. This condition certainly made Tutik have to be good at managing her time and thoughts so that her studies, time for family, and taking care of her younger sibling could be carried out well.

“Struggling, trying, and praying are the weapons that I continue to instill in myself so that I can quickly complete my S3 studies,” said Tutik.

Even so, there are quite a lot of activities that Tutik does besides lectures. To increase her competence, Tutik also takes the time to attend national and international seminars, as well as attend workshops and training. In fact, Tutik also takes the time to become a mentor for the national science olympiad (OSN) and youth scientific work (KIR).

Tutik successfully completed her doctoral studies with a dissertation entitled Physiogenetics, Morphology, and Anatomy of Tobacco Plants (Nicotiana Tabacum) Tolerant of Waterlogging Stress. The dissertation discussed the selection of tobacco plants in waterlogged and flooded conditions to obtain tobacco plants that are tolerant to waterlogging stress.

“By graduating with a doctorate, I will return to my alma mater to carry out the Tri Dharma activities of Higher Education,” explained Tutik. (*)

Author: Galuh Mega Kurnia

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

Source: UNAIR News