Dear Sirs and Madams,
Here is the updated list of Scheduled Exams and Seminars.
✔️For those who are taking the exam, please collect the complete exam registration files and scripts (soft copy and hard copy), no later than 5 days before the D-day.
✔️ Please check the file ALUR PENDAFTARAN UJIAN to find out what files are needed for each exam.
✔️For the Eligibility test stage 1 (script), just submit a soft copy of the script.
✔️The manuscript must have been signed by the supervisor.
✔️ For Seminars, you only need to collect the Seminar Value form that has been filled in and signed by the Promoter & Ko, after the seminar is held.
✔️ If you do not submit according to the provisions, you will be considered to have withdrawn (not in accordance with the scheduled exam on the list).
Thank you