Implementer: Rahmat Eko Sanjaya (S3 MIPA FST Airlangga University).
Supervisor/promoter: Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih (FST Airlangga University)
International Collaborator: Prof. Genji Kurisu (IPR Osaka University)
Implementation Time: August 8, 2022 – October 27, 2022
Implementation Venue: Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University, Japan

The implementation of this activity, in addition to completing the dissertation research, is also a program to increase the international network of Airlangga University. This activity can also be the beginning of the formation and implementation of various other collaborative activities involving Airlangga University and IPR Osaka University. Collaboration is something that is highly emphasized in the development of universities in Indonesia. Through this collaboration, a collaboration has been formed so that it can improve the international outlook of Airlangga University.

This activity is a collaborative international research program between Airlangga University and the Institute for Protein Research (IPR), Osaka University. This activity aims to share technology and research facilities to support the implementation of the dissertation research of a doctoral student of the MIPA Faculty of Science and Technology, Airlangga University on behalf of Rahmat Eko Sanjaya. The dissertation research conducted by Rahmat Eko Sanjaya is related to the determination of the structure and crystallization of lignocellulose degrading enzymes from local isolates. In relation to this research, research facilities are needed in the form of technology for crystallization and X-ray diffraction. Therefore, a collaboration was carried out with IPR, Osaka University. IPR Osaka University is a research institution that has been engaged in protein research for decades, starting from basic research in the form of determining protein structure to its application in various fields. Therefore, this research was carried out collaboratively between Airlangga University and IPR Osaka University.