Student: Wirdhatul Muslihatin
Lecturer: Dr. Eko Prasetyo Kuncoro, S.T., DEA.
Host Speaker: 1.Prof. Bechara Thauk 2. Dr. Alain Ledoux 3. Dr. Ludovic Auvray
Implementation Time: August 22 – September 2, 2022
Implementation Venue: Laboratory of Chemical process and safety INSA Rouen Normandie, France
The activities carried out were laboratory visits. Laboratory visit activities included several activities, namely a visit to the INSA Rouen Normandie Laboratory of Chemical Process and Safety, discussions and initiation of cooperation between UNAIR and INSA Rouen Normandie. Many experiences were gained during the laboratory visit, learning about natural material chemical process equipment (Biomaterials), research developments in France, and learning about culture and getting to know French society directly. In addition to laboratory visits, scientific discussions were also held with doctoral students under the guidance of Prof. Bechara Taouk and presentations of the FST profile to support the internationalization of the S3 MIPA FST UNAIR study program.