Student Writing Bootcamp

Can students have books? What types of books can students publish? Want to know tips and tricks for writing books for students?

JOIN US at Bookcamp Mahasiswa Menulis!!!

One of the programs from LIPJPHKI is open to ACTIVE UNAIR Masters – Doctoral students provided they ALREADY have a draft book manuscript. Get lots of tips and tricks for writing books and increase your visibility with books!

Come on, register now at the following link (LIMITED TO ONLY 30 PARTICIPANTS)

Write Your Book, Raise Your Visibility!!

Greetings Writing, Greetings Publication, Greetings Innovation! LIPJPHKI Always Accompany You! Connect with Us! Further information #LIPJPHKIUNAIR: Facebook: Innovation Institute for Development of Publishing Journals and Intellectual Property Rights Twitter : @lipjphkiunair Instagram : @lipjphkiunair @aupunair.official Youtube: LIPJPHKI UNAIR Email: Website :