The Five Minutes Competition: A Research Sharing Event for Postgraduate Students

The Five Minutes Competition is a competition to submit research ideas or theses with the theme “Life Science” in a maximum of five minutes. The Five Minutes Competition is one of the work programs of the Postgraduate Student Association of the Faculty of Science and Technology, Airlangga University. This competition is intended for master’s and doctoral students at Airlangga University from several faculties related to life sciences, with the aim of developing and measuring students’ public speaking and critical thinking skills in summarizing or simplifying their research results so that they can be understood by the wider community.

This competition will run during September 2023 with a total of 24 participants who have uploaded their presentation videos via the HIMAPASCA FST UNAIR Youtube channel ( The winners of this competition consist of first, second, and third place winners obtained from the judges’ assessment, as well as first and second favorite winners who are assessed based on the highest number of likes from the participants’ videos that have been uploaded. The judges who assessed this competition include Herri Trilaksana, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D., Dr. Hery Suwito, M.Sc., Almando Geraldi, S.Si., Ph.D, and Siti Maghfirotul Ulyah, S.Si., M.Sc.

Based on the results of the jury’s assessment and the number of video likes, the committee determined the winners in this competition, including:

1st place Ummi Zubaidah from the Biology Masters program, FST with a total score of 82.9/100.
2nd place Innocent Abel Kirigiti from the Chemistry Masters program, FST with a total score of 82/100.
3rd place Samik from the Mathematics Doctoral program, FST with a total score of 81.9/100.
Favorite winner I Lensa Rosdiana Safitri from the Mathematics Masters program, FST with 377 likes
Favorite winner II Septianti Putri Shopiar from the Chemistry Masters program, FST with 75 likes.

Hopefully, activities like this can continue in the future to motivate postgraduate students to share their research results as a contribution of ideas for other researchers or for the wider community.