UNAIR MENULIS February edition is now open!! For those of you who have a pile of Scientific Article manuscript drafts and are confused about where to go? Or those who want to delve into the world of Scientific Article writing but don’t know what to do?? Let’s join Unair Menulis which is held in a hybrid manner (offline and online)!!
This program is only open to Unair S1, S2, and S3 students with the requirement to bring a laptop and a draft of a Scientific Article manuscript.
For those who want to join offline, register now at the link https://bit.ly/LIPJPHKI_SPA , limited quota!
and for those who want to join online, go directly to the zoom link https://bit.ly/UMJAN-2024
Writing Greetings, Publication Greetings, Innovation Greetings! LIPJPHKI Always Accompanies You!
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Facebook: Institute for Innovation in Journal Development, Publishing and Intellectual Property Rights
Twitter: @lipjphkiunair
Instagram: @lipjphkiunair @aupunair.official
E-mail: adm@ppjpi.unair.ac.id
Website: http://lipjphki.unair.ac.id/