Webinar “Ethics in Scientific Research and Publication”

Greetings Writing, Greetings Publication, and Greetings Innovation!

Join the Webinar Event which will be held by LIPJPHKI with the theme:
Ethics in Scientific Research and Publication

Day date: Tuesday, May 31, 2022
Time: 09.00-11.00 WIB
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Cita Rosita Sigit Prakoeswa, dr. Sp.KK(K)

Please fill in the Registration Link: https://bit.ly/WebinarEtik2022 (Zoom Link will be sent via registered Email)
That is the information we can convey, thank you for your attention and cooperation.

Connect with us!
Facebook : Institute for Innovation, Development of Publishing Journals and Intellectual Property Rights
Twitter : @lipjphkiunair
Instagram : @lipjphkiunair
E-mail : adm@ppjpi.unair.ac.id
Website : http://lipjphki.unair.ac.id/