Research Fields: Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Applied Mathematics Scopus H-Index = 9, Documents = 123 https:/hmwvscopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57189004242 ORCID https//orcid.org/0000-0001-7508-0760
My name is Ika Hesti Agustin and was born in Jember on August 1 1984. In 2002-2006 I studied undergraduate at the Mathematics Department, Jember University. After that, in 2011-2013 I continued my master’s education at the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology. Then in 2019-2022 I took doctoral education at Airlangga University in the field of graph theory with the study of graph labeling under the guidance of Promoter Dr. Liliek Susilowati, S.Sc., M.Si. and Co-Promoter Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D. I graduated with honors and became the best graduate at the graduation period in June 2022 at Airlangga University. The achievements that were able to lead me to become the best graduate, the first was graduating quite quickly, namely 2 years 6 months 28 days. A strategy that other students might be able to practice to graduate quickly is to focus on the research they are currently undertaking. This focus is carried out from the first semester, namely preparing research drafts to be published in international journals as well as preparing a dissertation. Another achievement that was able to lead me to become the best graduate at that time was the number of publications in reputable journals indexed by SCOPUS and WOS that I carried out during the doctoral study process. Some of the publication titles are: (1) “On the Construction of the Reflexive Vertex k-Labeling of Any Graph with Pendant Vertex” which was published in the International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (Q4); (2) “The Vertex Irregular Reflexive Labeling of Some Almost Regular Graph” published in the Palestine Journal of Mathematics (Q4); (3) “The Reflexive Edge Strength on Some Almost Regular Graphs” published in Heliyon (Q1); (4) “The Product Graphs” published in JOunral of Physics: Conference Series; and (5) “On the Vertex Irregular Reflexive Labeling of Several Regular and Regular-Like Graphs” which has been accepted in the Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography (Q1). The articles I wrote are the result of joint research with several good researchers from within and outside the country. Choosing co-authors who have achievements, especially in the international arena, is one of the tips that can be used so that the articles we write are of higher quality and have a greater chance of being accepted in reputable international journals from various parts of the world is also a way to improve the quality of our articles, so that they are more valuable for the world of research. Currently I am working as a lecturer in the Mathematics Department at the University of Jember. Next, I will develop downstream research related to the field of graph theory studies that I am currently studying.
Contact Email: ikahesti.fmipa@unej.ac.id Address: Jl. Kalimantan 37 Jember Telephone: 082141226069