Implementer: Rahmat Eko Sanjaya (S3 MIPA FST Airlangga University).Supervisor/promoter: Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih (FST Airlangga University) International Collaborator: Prof. Genji Kurisu (IPR Osaka University) Implementation Time: August 8, 2022 – October 27, 2022 Implementation Venue: Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University, Japan The implementation of this activity, in addition to completing the dissertation […]
Alumni Profile: Dr. Sugiharto, M.Si.
The Long and Winding Road to the Doctoral Judiciary Let me introduce myself, my name is Sugiharto. I work as a lecturer in the Biology Department, Faculty of Science and Technology, Airlangga University. I completed a Bachelor’s degree in Biology, FMIPA Unair and a Master’s degree at the UGM Faculty of Biology. The process of […]
Student Outbound: Visiting Laboratory at Institut National des Sciences Appliquees (INSA) Rouen Normandie, Perancis
Student: Wirdhatul MuslihatinLecturer: Dr. Eko Prasetyo Kuncoro, S.T., DEA. Host Speaker: 1.Prof. Bechara Thauk 2. Dr. Alain Ledoux 3. Dr. Ludovic Auvray Implementation Time: August 22 – September 2, 2022Implementation Venue: Laboratory of Chemical process and safety INSA Rouen Normandie, France The activities carried out were laboratory visits. Laboratory visit activities included several activities, namely […]
Scheduled Exams and Seminars, October-November 2022
Dear Sirs and Madams, Doctoral Students of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Below we announce the list of scheduled Doctoral Examinations and Seminars that will be held on: Date: 17 – 21 October 2022 (for students entering 2021 and above)31 October – 3 November 2022 (for students entering 2022) If there is a change in schedule, […]
Call For Participant ANU-FRT
In connection with the opening of the ANU-FRT program, we AGE together with LPPM will hold a selection of the best talent nominations to be sent to ANU-FRT. The selection is open to all lecturers and students of Airlangga University with the following criteria: – Lecturers who are Masters graduates and are currently studying for […]
Alumni profile: Dr. Ika Hesti Agustin, M.Si.
Research Fields: Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Applied Mathematics Scopus H-Index = 9, Documents = 123 https:/ ORCID https// My name is Ika Hesti Agustin and was born in Jember on August 1 1984. In 2002-2006 I studied undergraduate at the Mathematics Department, Jember University. After that, in 2011-2013 I continued my master’s education at the Sepuluh […]
Guest Lecture Series, Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Lionel In Lian Aun
Student Outbound: 31th International Horticultural Congress 2022, France
Implementer: Wirdhatul Muslihatin (S3 MIPA FSt UNAIR student)Implementation Time: 14 – 20 August 2022Implementation Venue: Congress center building, Angers FranceResource Person: The 2022 IHC Congress was held in the city of Angers, France. The city of Angers is one of the old cities in France that has many historical buildings and is a beautiful city. […]
KPS Meeting with Students by Research and by Course
The KPS Meeting Event with Students by Research (2018-2021 batch) and by Course (2016-2017 batch) was held on: Day: Tuesday, September 13, 2022Time: 09.00-11.00 WIB (By Research) : 11.00-13.00 WIB (By Course)Room: Room 201 FST Especially for students domiciled outside Surabaya/Sidoarjo, they are allowed to attend the event via Zoom. KPS Meeting with Students by […]