Student Outbond Activity – MUHAMMAD IKHLAS ABDJAN

Muhammad Ikhlas Abdjan is a doctoral student in the MIPA FST Airlangga University (UNAIR) doctoral program under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Nanik Siti Aminah, M.Si and Prof. Dr. Alfinda Novi Kristanti, DEA. Ikhlas has succeeded in getting a Research Fellowship Program from the Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH) for six months in Karachi-Pakistan. This program is a collaboration between state agencies/institutions from the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

Awarded of MoU delegation between the University of Sargodha and various international universities (Venue: University of Sargodha, Sargodha-Pakistan on 23 August 2023).

COMSTECH Fellowship provides an opportunity for research staff and students to carry out collaborative research in the development of science and technology between institutions/institutions registered in OIC country membership. The International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS), is one of the hosts chosen by Ikhlas to conduct collaborative research. During the research process, under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Muhammad Iqbal Choudhary and Prof. Dr. Zaheer Ul-Haq Qasmi, Ikhlas conducts research in the field of computational chemistry. The research carried out by Ikhlas is in the form of developing computational methods to design active compounds as inhibitors of the alpha-glosidase enzyme which is responsible for diabetes (DM-2). Some of the method developments in his research are, Virtual Screening through 3D-QSAR and Machine Learning-Based, Inclusion Complexes, Drug Delivery and Hybrid (QM/MM) Simulation. The expected output from this research collaboration is in the form of a high impact publication and long-term collaboration between UNAIR and ICCBS in the future.

International delegation:  Representing various OIC countries and participating in the SEE Pakistan Expo, visiting universities in Lahore City, such as Women University, Superior University, and University Lahore (Venue: Women University, Lahore-Pakistan on 24-25 August 2023).

Apart from the research process he carried out at ICCBS, he was also given the opportunity to take part in various activities organized by COMSTECH, such as international conferences, MoU delegations and SEE Pakistan Expo which were held in various cities in Pakistan such as Karachi, Islamabad, Sargodha and Lahore. These activities aim to provide opportunities for awards to connect with various academic professionals, researchers and entrepreneurs. The hope is that this activity will be able to increase their experience and skills in the professional field they are working in.

UNAIR delegation attended the SEE Pakistan Expo (Venue: Superior University, Lahore-Pakistan on 26 August 2023)

The most impressive thing for him was that during the fellowship program, Ikhlas gained various experiences and collaborators in the field of chemistry and science from various countries, such as Pakistan, Malaysia, Turkey, Iran, Sudan, Jordan, Yemen, Nigeria, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Burkina Faso and Benin. Of course, this program is the main door to getting cooperation in the form of research and academic collaboration in the future.